Having a great time directing Ron Nash (CMU alum) and Irene Kellogg in “Trash Day” by Vincent Terrell Durham. And Ron’s directing me in “Mother and Child Times Two” by Thomas Heine with Alice Zigelis and Emma Rotella. There are 8 new one-act plays in all. See below for info. […]
Ellie Foumbi and Rudy Mungaray (we missed you Benton Greene!) and I after the screening of Zenith at the Columbia University Film Festival on May 11th at Lincoln Center in New York City. It was super to see the film on the big screen. Ellie you are so very talented. […]
Zenith screens at Columbia University Film Festival May 11, 20117
An interview with Ellie Foumbi, director, writer and star of Zenith.
Zenith – An interview with filmmaker, Ellie Foumbi
I’m presenting a reading of selected poems from The Surrender Tree by Margarita Engle about Cuba’s struggle for freedom, experimenting with percussive sounds to enhance the story. Artists Without Walls Showcase, Tuesday, April 26th @ 7:30pm. Performers are Al Foote III, Celeste Muniz, Paul Roberson, and Kazuki Kozuru. Others performing […]
April 26, 2016 – The Surrender Tree @ Artists Without ...
March 17-20, 2016. The Greenpoint Film Festival 2016, 4 days of art and activism with environmental and experimental films, documentaries and narrative features & shorts. The Screening Room at the Wythe Hotel in Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY. www.greenpointfilmfestival.com.
Greenpoint Film Festival 2016
The White Slippers screened February 21 and 23rd and we had a full house for both screenings. The SIFF and its members offer tremendous support to filmmakers. It was a great experience. The White Slippers will be screening at the Sedona International Film Festival on February 21st and […]